Sophia Momodu Challenges Davido's Custody Bid Over Claims of Unfit Parenting

Sophia Momodu Challenges Davido's Custody Bid Over Claims of Unfit Parenting

Sophia Momodu, mother to the young daughter of renowned musician Davido, has mounted a legal challenge against the star's bid for custody. This high-stakes case, unfolding at the Lagos State High Court, has captured considerable public interest, yet the proceedings remain under strict privacy to protect the identity of the minor involved.

A Mother's Allegations

Momodu has brought forth a series of serious accusations against Davido, aiming to substantiate her claims that he is not suited for the responsibility of raising their daughter, Imade. One of the pivotal points in her case is the assertion that Davido is perpetually unavailable, a key factor she believes disqualifies him from primary caregiving. According to her testimony, Davido’s demanding career and lifestyle impede his ability to offer the stable and consistent presence that a young child requires.

In a shocking revelation, Momodu recounted an incident from the summer of 2017. She claimed that during a vacation in Atlanta, Davido unceremoniously ejected both her and their daughter from his home. This episode ostensibly exemplifies his volatile temperament and lack of regard for their well-being.

Financial Neglect and Education

Momodu also raised concerns regarding Davido's financial inconsistencies, particularly his alleged lapses in supporting Imade’s education. She cited instances from 2021 and 2022 where Davido failed to pay their daughter's school fees, leading to the school notifying her about the outstanding dues in January 2023. Momodu was eventually compelled to rely on Davido’s father, who stepped in to settle the arrears, underscoring an ongoing struggle for reliable financial support.

Behavioral Concerns

Momodu’s accusations didn’t stop at financial and emotional neglect. She bravely shared instances of what she characterized as inappropriate and erratic behavior on Davido's part. Momodu described episodes where Davido visited her residence at odd hours, making unwarranted and distressing demands for sex. According to her, any refusal on her part was met with punitive withdrawal of his paternal duties.

Such allegations paint a troubling portrait of Davido, suggesting that his actions have not only endangered the emotional stability of Momodu but also their child. The disturbing nature of these claims adds another layer of complexity to the custody battle, raising substantial concerns about the environment Imade would be subjected to if custody were to be granted to her father.

Sophia's Steadfast Commitment

Amidst these serious allegations, Momodu maintained a resilient and determined stance. She expressed her unwavering commitment to providing the best possible care for Imade, asserting that despite the challenges, she has ensured their daughter's well-being and will continue to do so. Her testimony highlighted her role as the primary caregiver, dedicated to nurturing Imade's development in a safe and loving environment.

The case, heard behind closed doors as mandated by the Child Rights Law of Lagos State 2015, aims to prioritize the best interests of Imade. The law ensures that sensitive details are handled with utmost confidentiality, focusing on the child's welfare above all else.

Paternal Support Intermittent

Davido’s father’s intervention in settling the school fees brought another dimension to the custody debate. It pointed to a family dynamic where the extended family still plays a crucial role in the upbringing of the child. It’s noteworthy that despite the intercession from Davido's father, such interventions were framed as compensatory rather than indicative of a primary caregiver approach from Davido himself. This nuance raises questions about the consistency and reliability of paternal support from both Davido and his immediate family.

Public Attention and Legal Discretion

While the high-profile nature of this case has naturally attracted public curiosity, the court has emphasized the necessity of privacy. By closing the proceedings to the public, the court aims to safeguard Imade from unwanted exposure, ensuring that her identity and personal details remain protected. This move is in strict adherence to legal provisions aimed at protecting minors in such sensitive cases.

Ongoing Legal Battle

The unfolding legal battle between Momodu and Davido is a stark reminder of the complex issues surrounding child custody and parental responsibilities. It showcases the legal challenges that arise when public figures with demanding careers face scrutiny over their ability to fulfill parental roles. As the court continues to deliberate, the central focus remains on determining the most suitable arrangement that guarantees the welfare and stable upbringing of Imade.

This custody dispute highlights broader themes of parental accountability, the impact of lifestyle on caregiving capability, and the judicial system's role in mediating family conflicts. The eventual outcome will likely influence future cases involving similar high-profile personalities, setting precedents on how the courts balance career obligations and parenting duties.


As both parties await the court's decision, the primary concern remains the welfare of young Imade. Sophia Momodu's allegations have painted a distressing picture of her struggles, depicting a scenario where she has had to shoulder varying degrees of responsibility amid alleged neglect and inconsistency from Davido. With the court's emphasis on confidentiality and child protection, the forthcoming judgement will be crucial not just for the parties involved, but also as a broader message on parental responsibilities and child welfare.

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